ICB Products

ICB and Useful Information Related


There are many people who want to cut down on the overall amount of money they get to pay in their power bills. At the same time, many people have been made aware of the devastating effects of mankind and modern civilization on nature and wish to minimize such damage as much as they can. Having all that in mind, ICB can take pride in offering win-win deals to every single customer. To be more precise, whether you are mainly interested in lowering the power bills of yours or you are mostly concerned about damaging the environment, people in ICB can offer you the perfect solutions without failure.

ICB offers the optimal roofing solutions for people who want to make the most out of energy deriving from renewable sources. Most importantly, the option of using something given in abundance and not facing the danger of vanishing away is really comforting to know when you choose ICB Products. In other words, professionals in ICB get to offer solar solutions and green roofs to you. In this way, what you do is to benefit from the abundant sunlight and to transform such sunlight into electric power to use for all your needs. Green roofs on the other hand are able to cool the overall temperature and offer the ideal conditions within every building.

When it comes to solar solutions, there are different options for you to keep in mind. Of course, solar panels can work wonders. However, there are crystalline silicon celled solar panels and others made of thin film. You can choose which one you think best suits your needs and your budget and you can apply the panels on the Solafix fixing system that ICB is proud to construct and install. As a result, you can enjoy the optimum performance of the photovoltaic panels on the most reliable system of the market. As you will come to realize, there are significant benefits that derive from using such power saving alternatives.

As far as the price rates are concerned, there is the option of using feed in tariffs and get the motivation you need for paying back everything without any delay. However, even without such grants provided to you, paying for such an investment can be completed much sooner than you would expect. There are inexpensive solutions for you to go ahead with and there is an extended time frame in which you will be required to pay everything back. As an investment though, solar panels and other solutions can be regarded as the top method for saving a great deal of money. After all, power bills can go significantly up. Still, when you make use of such a construction you do not need to worry about these fluctuations.

To sum up, ICB can help out regardless of your actual personal needs. You should turn to them for any clarification and information, since they can be of assistance for all your demands. Make sure that you benefit significantly from eco-friendly solutions.